
New Awards: RFA-DK-18-013: HIRN Consortium on Modeling Autoimmune Interactions (CMAI)

New HIRN Grants from RFA-18-013: HIRN Consortium on Modeling Autoimmune Interactions (CMAI)

Megan Sykes*, MD, Columbia University, Investigator
Mark Anderson, MD, PhD, University of California, San Francisco, Investigator
Matthias Hebrok, PhD, University of California, San Francisco, Investigator
Audrey Parent, PhD, University of California, San Francisco, Investigator 
Remi J Creusot, PhD, Columbia University, Co-Investigator
Robin Goland, MD, Columbia University, Co-Investigator


Humanized Mouse Avatars
for T1D

UC4 DK104218**

Dale Greiner*, PhD, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Investigator
Michael Brehm, PhD, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Investigator
Leonard Schultz, PhD, The Jackson Laboratory, Investigator
George Daley, PhD, Harvard University, Investigator
Doug Melton, PhD, Harvard University, Investigator
Rene Maehr, PhD, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Co-Investigator
David Harlan, MD, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Co-Investigator

* Denotes Contact PI
** Grant Renewal
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