Investigator Profile: Sebastian Preissl

Associate Director
Consortium: HPAC






Where are you from originally, and where did you go to school?

Germany, University of Freiburg.

►What is your current position?

Associate Director of Single Cell Genomics, Center for Epigenomics at UCSD

►Why did you decide to become a researcher?

Because there is a bitter need for new therapeutic targets for diseases and research is the key to identify new
options by exploring unchartered territories.

►What is the “Big Picture” of what you study?

Understanding how one genome gives rise to thousands of cell types and complex organisms and how errors in the
system lead to diseases.

►What is your favorite aspect of your research?

Working as a team to create knowledge.

► What do you hope to achieve with your research?

A better understanding of diseases.

► What groups are you involved with?

AHA (American Heart Association), SfN (Society for Neuroscience)

►When not in the lab what are your favorite hobbies/activities?

Sports (Obstacle races, European Handball, Hiking)





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