Matthias Hebrok

►Where are you from originally, and where did you go to school?
I grew up in Germany and went to the Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg. I conducted my PhD thesis work at the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg and my postdoctoral work at Harvard University.
►What is your current position?
Professor and Director, UCSF Diabetes Center
►Why did you decide to become a researcher?
To understand human biology and use cell and genetic tools to advance human health.
►What is the “Big Picture” of what you study?
We are generating and studying diverse human cell types from human stem cell populations. The overarching goal is to develop tools for cell therapy and understanding of human diseases.
►What is your favorite aspect of your research?
Discuss projects, results, and novel ideas with my lab members.
►When not in the lab what are your favorite hobbies/activities?
Reading, running, skiing, swimming.