Mark Anderson

►Where are you from originally, and where did you go to school?
Grew up in Minneapolis, went to Northwestern for undergrad. MD and PhD from the University of Chicago.
►What is your current position?
Professor, UCSF Diabetes Center
►Why did you decide to become a researcher?
In the middle of undergraduate studies.
►What is the “Big Picture” of what you study?
Our group is interested in the key switches that control immune tolerance. When these break, autoimmune diseases like type 1 diabetes can ensue.
►What is your favorite aspect of your research?
Learning something new
►What do you hope to achieve with your research?
Not only improve our understanding of the immune system but to use this ultimately to help patients
►What groups are you involved in?
APS1 Foundation
►When not in the lab what are your favorite hobbies/activities?
Outdoors, hiking, skiing, biking, paddling. Occasional misspent afternoons golfing.