Emerging Leaders in T1D: FAQs
We hope that these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will facilitate the application process. If you have any additional questions please contact the HIRN Coordinating Center directly via email.
Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated: June 15, 2020
1. How do I learn more about the HIRN Emerging Leaders in T1D Award?
The Request for Proposals (RFP) is available directly on the HIRN website at: https://hirnetwork.org/emergingleaders2020 . Specific questions can be submitted to the HIRN Coordinating Center (CC) via email at: hirncc@coh.org
2. Who can apply for this award?
The initiative is aimed at senior postdoctoral fellows with a minimum of two years of ongoing postdoctoral experience. Detailed eligibility information is available Section V (Eligibility Information) of the RFP.
3. Can I submit a final application if I did not submit a Letter of Intent (LOI)?
Yes, the LOI is non-binding therefore applicants who did not submit an LOI can still submit a final application. Additionally, applicants that submitted a LOI are not required to submit a final application.
4. Will I receive a response regarding my eligibility after submitting the LOI?
No, the LOIs will be reviewed by the NIH NIDDK HIRN Program Officers however you will not receive a response regarding eligibility based on the LOIs. Eligibility status will be reviewed in detail upon submission of a final application.
5. How do I submit the final application?
The application for this funding opportunity can be accessed at: https://coh.smapply.org/
We are utilizing a vendor based system for the application. Individuals will need to create their own account utilziing the “register” option in the system.
A user manual to assist in submitting applications will be posted soon!
6. What is the maximum amount awarded?
The funding limit is $125,000 direct cost.
7. How should the budget be submitted?
Applicants should complete the Public Health Service (PHS) 398 Budget (form page 4) and upload this document into the “Budget” Form of the Final Application. Additionally, a Budget Justification document should be prepared and uploaded into the “Budget Justification” Form of the Final Application. The role/effort of each collaborator should be included in the Budget Justification. Please refer to the following websites for additional information: PHS 398 Forms and NIH Guide to Develop a Budget.
8. Can Letters from Collaborators be included in the Final Application?
Yes, letters from collaborators should be uploaded in the “Appendix” Form of the Final Application. There is no limit on letters from collaborators.
9. Can Letters of Support from individuals currently associated with HIRN be included in the Final Application?
No, letters of support attesting to the applicants abilities or future potential are not allowed and will not be accepted. Any application containing letters of support will be returned without review for noncompliance.
10. When is the Final Application Due?
The application must be submitted online by 11:59 pm Pacific on Friday, October 30, 2020. Late submissions will not be accepted.
11. When will applicants be notified?
Applicants will be notified via email in the Winter 2021 (exact date TBD).
12. When will the awards be issued?
After the scientific review has commenced award recipients will be notified via email. The HIREC will work with the institution of the investigator to issue a subaward. The subaward should be executed on or before February 1, 2021 for the project to commence.
13. Are non-US citizens eligible to apply?
There is no citizenship requirement for the applicant. Applicant may be a citizen or a non-citizen national of the United States, or been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (i.e., possess a currently valid Permanent Resident Card USCIS Form I‐551, or other legal verification of such status). Visas are temporary (J1 visas are usually for students, H1B for employees), and so a holder of those visas would not be considered “admitted for permanent residence” in the language above, as they are by their nature only temporary admissions to the country.